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A systematic review of sustainable gold extraction from raw ores
2022.3.1 Recovery of gold from ores using bacteria and fungi is becoming increasingly popular due to their easy handling, their quick adaption to metals, and the high-performance metal dissolution of metabolites. Recovery of heavy metals through microbial mobilisation is an
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A Review of the Recovery of Gold and Silver From
2019.2.27 A novel hydrometallurgical process for efficient treatment of cyanidation effluents obtained by leaching high copper gold ores (or
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A Review of the Cyanidation Treatment of Copper
2020.5.21 The production of copper concentrates from copper-gold sulfide minerals by froth flotation generally results in tailings with copper,
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Gold Extraction Recovery Processes - 911 Metallurgist
2016.2.29 When gold is recovered by flotation, a high grade concentrate contains gold and can give an extra value to copper and lead concentrates. The concentrate can be ground, roasted, treated by cyanidation and the final
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Recovery of gold as by-product from the base-metals industries
2005.1.1 The fundamental reasons for the successful recovery of gold in the copper industry are, on one hand, the preferential association of gold with copper in sulfide ores
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Metals Special Issue: A Review of the Cyanidation
2020.7.5 Currently, the SART process has demonstrated to be the best option to treat gold-copper ores using cyanide, due to its capability to recover cyanide and produce a saleable copper product.
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Minerals Free Full-Text Extraction of Gold and
2022.5.12 The recovery of gold via CIL enhanced gold extraction by 15%, but had no obvious effect on copper extraction. This study provides an alternative and promising cyanide-free leaching process to traditional
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Scalable and selective gold recovery from end-of-life electronics
2024.2.8 Selective recovery of gold from electronic waste using mild reagents is a challenge. Now a photocatalytic technology is reported to enable highly selective gold
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A systematic review of sustainable gold extraction from raw ores
2022.3.1 This research improves the gold recovery from dump tailings employing the Carbon in Leach (CIL) process and using thiourea as a gold lixiviant. The integration of sulfur
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Non-toxic technology extracts more gold from ore - Phys
2021.10.1 Called electrodeposition-redox replacement (EDRR), the new process combines the best of two common methods for extracting leached gold: electrolysis, which uses electric
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